VISION: A Centre of excellence in Law Practice Training
MISSION: To Provide Quality Practical Legal Training for Adequate and Competent Legal Practitioners
VALUES: •Transparency •Integrity •Team work •Accountability •Objectivity
Who we are?

The Zambia Institute of Advanced Legal Education (ZIALE) has recorded significant strides towards the promotion of Good Governance Environment in Zambia in line with Strategic Development Area Four (4) under Development Outcome Two (2) of the 8th National Development Plan (8NDP) which focusses on strengthening the policy, Legal and institutional framework for good governance as well as enhancing the rule of law, human rights and constitutionalism. Good governance in this area entails respect for human rights and freedoms, entrenching transparency and accountability, participation, enhancing access to justice and observance of the rule of law and upholding national values and principles.
To contribute towards achieving improved rule of law, human rights, and constitutionalism, ZIALE will continue enhancing its training programmes and service delivery to strengthen the criminal justice system and enhance the rule of law, infrastructure development, enhancing legal aid systems, human and technical capacity development.
The Zambia Institute of Advanced Legal Education is governed by a Council. The Zambia Institute of Advanced Legal Education Act, Chapter 49 of the Laws of Zambia establishes the Council and outlines its functions and composition in Sections 4 and 5 respectively.
ZIALE has also promoted Zambia’s image abroad in the field of Advanced Legal studies and Training in Legislative Drafting, and trains not only Zambian students but also those from other countries in the Southern Africa Development Community (SADC) region.
The Institute is also accredited with TEVETA as a training organisation to provide the Level 1 Certificate in Paralegal Studies. In this line, ZIALE has constituted a team of trainers and examiners that are also accredited by TEVETA to conduct the training.
To this end, the Institute is continually looking for partners to sponsor a number of courses, especially those promoting good governance, human rights, and the rule of law.
NOTE: Institutions that are willing to sponsor training programmes in the above stated areas tenable at Zambia Institute of Advanced Legal Education (ZIALE) may contact the undersigned:
The Director and Chief Executive Officer
Zambia Institute of Advanced Legal Education
P.O Box 30690
Plot No. 9/11, Andrew Mwenya Road,Rhodes Park
Lusaka, Zambia.
Tel: +260 – 1-254557/81 Fax: +260 – 1- 254620
The Zambia Institute of Advanced Legal Education (ZIALE) is a body corporate established by Zambia Institute of Advanced Legal Education Act, Chapter 49 of the Laws of Zambia. The flagship programme is the Legal Practitioners’ Qualifying Examination (LPQE) Course, which is meant for university law graduates wishing to be admitted to the Zambian Bar. In addition to the LPQE Course and Legislative Drafting Course, the Institute is mandated to offer training programmes as outlined in Section 4(2) of the Act.
The precursor to the Zambia Institute of Advanced Legal Education (ZIALE) (hereinafter referred to as an “Institute” was the Law Practice Institute (LPI) established in 1968. The LPI was set up to provide basic training to post – graduate law students in the essentials of legal practice so that after successful completion of the course, they were to be admitted to the Bar to practice in the Zambian common law courts. The scope and functions of the Institute has since 1996 widened to provide national, regional and international post – graduate legal studies and training in Legislative Drafting as well as other courses. With the scope broadening, the Institute has acquired an international status, just as its range of courses has become broad-based since then.
The Institute provides diversified legal training to personnel in private and public institutions with a view to enhancing their managerial and/ or professional skills. Training in this category seeks to improve organisational capacities in leadership, planning, conflict resolution, time management, communication, monitoring and other relevant skills.
One of the key distinguishing characteristics of the Institute is its interdisciplinary, pluralistic and comparative approach to global and local issues pertaining to development. Responding to wider interests in Law, and indeed considering that law covers all aspects of human endeavor the Institute offers short courses in several disciplines such as Human Rights, Public Prosecutions, Cyber Crimes and Computer Forensic, Taxation Law, Criminal Investigations and the Law, Law Firm Management, Labour Law and Industrial Resolutions, Elections Public Order and the Law, Young Politicians and the Law, Public Contracts and Procurement Law, Legal Compliance and Risk Management, and Corporate Governance and the Law. Another distinctive course offered is Legislative Drafting leading to a Postgraduate Diploma Certificate.
The Institute has embarked on major phases of development in line with the 8th National Development Plan (8NDP) in creating conditions to accelerate Zambia's diversification and inclusive growth agenda. This includes good governance which entails creating a conducive environment characterised by participation, rule of law, transparency, accountability, consensus-building, responsiveness, equity and inclusiveness, effectiveness and efficiency. ZIALE will also focus on improving the policy and governance environment through legal training programmes as well as promoting adherence to the rule of law and constitutionalism